Helpful Links

Education Websites

ADA Watch – a project of the National Coalition for Disability Rights, provides information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

ADAPT – information about community living options and resources

Brain Injury Resource Foundation – resources for individuals with brain injuries and their families

Center for Applied Special Technology – universal design for learning (and home of the “Bobby” automated web-site evaluation tool)

Center on Human Policy – resources for supporting community living

Children’s Freedom Initiative – resources in Georgia that can help families find services for their children to stay out of facilities

Employment First Georgia – resources for customized employment

Equal Say – Citizen Advocacy in Scotland

Finding the Path to Equal Justice:  A Handbook for Adult Defendants with Intellectual Disabilities and Their Families – A publication of the Georgia Appleseed Foundation which provides information on how to access the judicial system (how to get an attorney and how to get help when you are in trouble with the law).  tNOTE: this handbook is not intended to provide legal advice.

Georgia ADA Coordinator – technical information on the ADA and the State of Georgia

Georgia General Assembly – information on local legislators and the current session

Georgia Legal Services/Atlanta Legal Aid – free legal information and community resources

Georgia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program – information about quality of long-term care facilities

Georgia State Univeristy College of Law – PEACH SHEETS – legislative history

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities – information on legislation, budget, and public policy

Inclusion Press – person centered planning and resource material

Institute on Human Development and Disability – University Center for Excellence

National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) – issue papers, public policy, legislative affairs

Olmstead: Community Integration for Everyone – find out what the Department of Justice is doing in your state

Parent to Parent of Georgia – support and information for parents

People First Of Georgia – advocacy education materials and resources

Project Vote – voter education materials created by People First of Georgia

Social Security Administration – information on Ticket to Work program and SSDI

Tools for Life: Increasing Access to Assistive Technology – resources on accessing to Assistive Technology

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Admin. on Developmental Disabilities – federal agency, information on federalyy funded services

U.S. House of Representatives – legislative information

U.S. Senate – legislative information

Americans with Disabilities Act

Fair Housing Act

IDEA 2004 and a brief overview of changes