Children’s Freedom Initiative

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Click logo for CFI website

The Children’s Freedom Initiative (CFI) is a collaborative effort to ensure that children who live in facilities are given the chance to live with permanent, loving families. We are a coalition of advocates dedicated to creating a Georgia in which no child resides in a facility.

The CFI is supported by the Georgia Developmental Disabilities Network, which receives funding from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, and includes The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), the Institute on Human Development and Disability at the University of Georgia (IHDD), The Georgia Advocacy Office (GAO), and the Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University (CLD).

The CFI continues to educate families about resources available for children so that they can remain at home or in the community, even when their home of origin is no longer an option. The CFI also continues to advocate for youth to transition from facilities into homes in the community.