Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (PATBI)

Click here to read a fact sheet about the PATBI program.

Below is a description of our planned emphasis for 2016 – 2017. Please click here to submit your comments, suggestions, or questions. We welcome your comments on our work throughout the year.

Goal 1: To protect persons with TBI in Georgia from abuse and neglect

Priority 1: Investigate and address allegations of abuse  or neglect, including suspicious or unexplained deaths of persons with traumatic brain injuries.

Priority 2: Advocate for appropriate home and community-based supports and services for persons with brain injuries residing in facilities, with a focus on monitoring the State’s compliance with U.S. v GA.

Goal 2: To respond to allegations of discrimination and legal rights violations of persons with traumatic brain injury

Priority 1: Advocate for appropriate home and community-based supports and services, including healthcare and educational supports, for people with traumatic brain injuries at risk of institutionalization.

Priority 2: Advocate for persons with traumatic brain injuries subjected to legal rights violations and discrimination in any of the following areas: fiduciary relationships, local and state government, healthcare, housing, transportation, and employment.

Goal 3: To promote the integration and self determination of persons with traumatic brain injuries in the community

Priority 1: Empower persons with traumatic brain injuries, family members, and concerned citizens to advocate for competitive employment, education, healthcare, and other services that are appropriate to the person’s needs.