Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI)

Below is a description of our planned emphasis for 2017-2018. Please click here to submit your comments, suggestions, or questions. We welcome your comments on our work throughout the year.

Goal 1: To protect individuals with psychiatric disabilities in Georgia from abuse and neglect.

Priority 1: Investigate and advocate to address at least fifty (50) allegations of abuse and neglect, including suspicious or unexplained deaths, inappropriate treatment, and medication issues of children and adults with psychiatric disabilities.

Priority 2: Advocate for appropriate discharge to the most integrated setting for at least thirty-five (35) adults with psychiatric disabilities who have been institutionalized.

Priority 3: Advocate for appropriate discharge to the most integrated setting for at least five (5) children and youth with psychiatric disabilities who have been institutionalized.

Priority 4: Conduct and document at least fifty (50) monitoring visits to institutions or other congregant living environments in which individuals with psychiatric disabilities are served in Georgia.

Goal 2: To respond to allegations of discrimination and legal rights violations against people with psychiatric disabilities in Georgia.

Priority 1: Advocate for the full inclusion and integration of people with psychiatric disabilities in their communities through full implementation of the Olmstead decision and the integration mandate of the ADA – with particular focus on persons impacted by United States v. Georgia and Georgia Advocacy Office et al. v. Georgia (the GNETS cases) by attending at least twentyfive (25) court hearings, negotiation sessions, or other meetings on related matters.

Priority 2: Advocate for appropriate home and community-based supports, including housing, educational, and employment supports, for at least twenty-six (26) adults with psychiatric disabilities at risk of institutionalization.

Priority 3: Advocate for appropriate home and community-based supports, including family, housing, educational, and vocational supports, for at least four (4) children and youth with psychiatric disabilities at risk of institutionalization.

Goal 3: To promote the integration and self-determination of people with psychiatric disabilities.

Priority 1: Provide information and resources to at least six hundred fifty (650) persons with psychiatric disabilities who are institutionalized or living in the community regarding civil rights, employment, inclusive education, and other services that are appropriate to the person’s needs.

Priority 2: Conduct at least fifteen (15) workshops for persons with psychiatric disabilities, their family members, and concerned citizens regarding civil rights, employment, inclusive education, and other services.

Priority 3: The PAIMI Advisory Council will form an ad hoc committee for the purpose of conducting Public Forums in three (3) public or private psychiatric institutions.