Children & Youth

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GAO Files Lawsuit Seeking to End Institutionalization and Confinement of Children in Georgia

Civil rights attorneys, including GAO staff, filed a class action lawsuit today charging Georgia officials with violating federal law for their well-documented,...

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Georgia families asked to share their thoughts on proposed GNETS rule

Georgia Families: The Georgia Department of Education is in the preliminary stages of drafting a new state rule governing the GNETS program and services, and they...

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Georgia stands to lose $33 billion in federal funding for Medicaid

Right now is a critical time for families who rely on Medicaid. Georgia stands to lose $33 billion in federal funding for Medicaid, CHIP, and financial assistance...

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Community Options

We believe that all people should have “a good life,” including a home, friends, relationships, and jobs. The information presented here can help support a good...

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Statewide (Rhode Island) Settlement Agreement Addresses Integrated Employment

On April 8, 2014, the United States Department of Justice reached a settlement agreement with Rhode Island to address the rights of people with disabilities to receive...

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Update on the Ending the Use of Aversive Treatments

The Massachusetts Governor’s office filed a motion on 2/14/13 that would vacate a 1987 Consent Decree that has been an agreement with Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) that...

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IEP Work Placements for Youth in Transition

A June 22, 2012 letter from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) outlines how Least Restrictive Environment...

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Service Animals and Housing

Advocate In Your Community Issue: Joe and Mary live in Harmony Gardens, a 15 unit apartment complex.  Joe, who is Deaf, just took possession of a hearing dog,...

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United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on July 12, 2012 to consider ratification of  the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons...

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Medical Procedures Violating Civil Rights

Study Finds Medical  Procedures Violating the Civil Rights of People with  Disabilities In a first of its kind study, the  National Disability Rights Network...